Our Marra Brian

It's been a good while since I've put my thoughts and feelings into words. Since my dad passed away last year, my life has become a blur of change in a positive way. Now I reside west of Glasgow, where I see the Clyde every day slowly moving life elsewhere. I've struggled to compose words … Continue reading Our Marra Brian

These Tell Tale Signs Are Here To Stay And In The End You Know That’s OK

It creeps around to that time of year. It always leaves me feeling like there's a pit in my stomach, that spaced out feeling in my head. Today is International Suicide Prevention Day. Every year I take part in some activities to try and help destigmatise these situations. I always hope that each year will … Continue reading These Tell Tale Signs Are Here To Stay And In The End You Know That’s OK


Weltschmerz: /ˈvɛltʃmɛrt͜s,Wéltschmerz/ (literal translation - world pain). Sadness or melancholy over the state of the world; world-weariness. There's a quiet noise somewhere just beyond the limits of my hearing and my perception, the sound of the sands of my life slowly falling away in it's glass prison. No matter what happens next the last year … Continue reading Weltschmerz