28(2) Days Later…

Reflection in the Puddle

I’ve been pretty quiet here over the past few months. I thought that lockdown and the the effects of the Covid would have seen me write so much more but I didn’t (the title is a nice nod to the film “28 Days Later” and the fact that it’s coincidently 282 days since my last post). Well, none that I published anyway. But I wrote something yesterday around World Mental Health Awareness Day and that’s inspired me to adapt and expand it to post it in the blog. I’m feeling a need to write more at the moment so here it is for your all.

Once again, it’s World Mental Health Awareness Day. This year we’re a part of a society and culture that’s seen a massive change in the way our lives are. Who would have thought that this time last year we would be going through what we currently are? 

Everyone has mental health. It might sound dumb that it needs to be said but some don’t realise that it affects everyone. You can have good mental health, you can have poor mental health. Most people think they sit somewhere in the middle and that they’re doing okay. Mental health helps you get through your day, it covers your approach to life and how you live it. It’s your reactions to the world going on around you. Simply put, it’s your core behaviour.

I have spent most of my adult life on some kind of medication that is there to try and help balance out the inconsistencies in my brain chemistry. Most of the time it works, sometimes it works too well or not enough. When it’s like that my mood will shift. I’ll feel either emotionally overstimulated or completely cold. I don’t get to choose it, I just play the hand my brain chemistry decides to deal me. 

You can do to try and help yourself and others by trying to be more aware of everything around you and your part in it all. Nothing revolves around you, you’re just another spinning satellite out in orbit somewhere. Take stock of your life every now and again. Remove yourself from relationships and situations that are harmful and damaging. Do things you like doing purely for yourself. Try not to feel guilty about the bad days but try to celebrate each victory, no matter how small it is. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you. 

Some thirty years ago I tried to kill myself. I’m still here although some days are certainly a lot wobblier than others. I try to keep good people around me. I try to be kind and gentle to myself while being understanding and forgiving of others. I try to practice what I preach as best I can (and I’ll admit that sometimes I fail at that) without being a hypocrite. 

Take some time to be thankful about yourself and what you have. Genuinely thankful and not just a passing nod. Life can be good sometimes. Today and everyday is your day, you can have as much of it as you want, it’s completely up to you. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s enjoy living your life to it’s fullest.

Thanks for reading. I’m hoping to explore more of what’s been happening in my life over the past few months. I’m also looking to expand the blog by expanding into podcasts and hopefully a new website too. Let’s see what we can do.

As usual, if you’d like to chat to me further you can email me at theorderofthedog@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I’ve created a closed support group on Facebook also called The Order Of The Dog. It’s there for people who struggle with mental health issues as well as people who want to support and get a better understanding. It’s a closed group which means only members get to see and interact with what’s posted there. Finally, please feel free to share this blog with anyone and anywhere you think it might help.

The Order Of The Dog.

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